Ubuntu-BR-SC Local Community Team is proud to announce the release of your most recent project, the Ubuntu-BR-SC LoCo Team Blog. The project, that was created by Tiago Hillebrandt (the LoCo Team Leader) and Julian Fernandes (an Ubuntu-BR-SC member), intends to promote Ubuntu and opensource to Brazilian Users and Developers.
Currently, the Ubuntu-BR-SC LoCo Team Blog contains twelve members who write news, tips, and tutorials in Brazilian Portuguese to support Ubuntu Brazilian Community.
Visit the blog and leave your comments!
Paulo Rodrigo says
Blog Team Ubuntu-BR-SC muito legal, e também muito interessante, Julian Fernandes, um grande postador do Ubuntu-BR-SC, e não esquece de postar mais coisas aqui no Tiago Hillebrandt também. =)
Tiago Hillebrandt says
Olá Paulo Rodrigo,
Pode deixar, não irei abandonar este blog 🙂