Ubuntu-BR-SC Local Community Team is proud to announce the release of your most recent project, the Ubuntu-BR-SC LoCo Team Blog. The project, that was created by Tiago Hillebrandt (the LoCo Team Leader) and Julian Fernandes (an Ubuntu-BR-SC member), intends to promote Ubuntu and opensource to Brazilian Users and Developers.

Currently, the Ubuntu-BR-SC LoCo Team Blog contains twelve members who write news, tips, and tutorials in Brazilian Portuguese to support Ubuntu Brazilian Community.
Visit the blog and leave your comments!
Blog Team Ubuntu-BR-SC muito legal, e também muito interessante, Julian Fernandes, um grande postador do Ubuntu-BR-SC, e não esquece de postar mais coisas aqui no Tiago Hillebrandt também. =)
Olá Paulo Rodrigo,
Pode deixar, não irei abandonar este blog 🙂